Online Quiz Website designed and developed for SFCCA
SG Trivia Superman is an online quiz platform for new immigrants and local residents to learn more about Singapore, the quiz covers Singapore’s culture, geography, history, language, and knowledge of the Ministry of Defence. It’s presented by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and supported by National Integration Council, Cultural Matching Fund, and Ministry of Defence.
The website is newly launched in July 2021, during the first 4 weeks you will be answering National Service related questions provided by Ministry of Defence. After that, the player will challenge more questions from across culture, geography, history, and language. All questions and options are randomly arranged by the system. Attractive shopping vouchers will be awarded to the top 6 scorers per week.
I design an illustration set including the home page and 5 different themes/colours for each category (National Service, culture, geography, history, language), as well as the whole website UI design and development. (click here to check it out!)